Some people never go crazy. What truly horrible lives they must lead. Hay personas que nunca se vuelven locas, que vidas t...

Dear Karen, If you’re reading this, it means I actually worked up the courage to mail it, so good for me. You don’t know me very we...
Remember, at the end of the day it's all about her. Al final del día ella es lo único que importa.
Imagina que estás despierta y sin rasguños Imagina que es domingo y eres feliz y la calle es blanca para que vueles hacia un lug...
Rome is burning, she said, as he poured himself another drink. Yet, here I am knee deep in another river of pussy. Here it comes, she thou...
Dejarse lleva suena demasiado bien ... ... jodidamente bien ...
We drove out here together in a piece of shit Mustang that didn't go in reverse anymore. I was gonna be a Guitar Hero, ...